Ag BMP Low Interest Loan Program

Created by the 1994 State Legislature, The Agriculture Best Management Practices Loan Program (AgBMP) brings low interest loans to farmers and other rural landowners for the preventions of non-point source pollution. The program is funded through the State Revolving Fund, which was a result of the 1987 Federal Clean Water Act.

Low Interest Loans are available to farmers and landowners in Kittson County to bring their septic systems into conformance with water quality standards and to help implement other storm water control practices, such as those needed to protect streambank, lakeshore, roadside and agricultural land from erosion.

The maximum loan amount per applicant is currently $200,000. The low interest loans are available at a 3% interest rate.

Loan Eligibility: To be eligible, projects must be located in the rural areas of Kittson County. Individuals who want to apply for loans should contact the Kittson SWCD for a loan application packet or view the attachments below. Applicants will need to provide information about the proposed project to be funded and the desired loan amount.

Projects/equipment that qualify:

-Purchasing conservation tillage equipment such as chisel plows, manure spreaders, no-till drills and no-till planters.

-Conservation practices such as streambank stabilizations, side inlets and grassed waterways.

-Upgrade and improvements to existing sewage-treatments systems.

Ag BMP Loan Application

State Information on Ag BMP Loan Program