Buffer Program

What is the Minnesota Buffer Law?
Under Minnesota Statute 103F, all public waters such as lakes, rivers, and streams in Minnesota are required to have a 50 foot buffer of perennial vegetation and a 16.5 foot buffer along ditches. Alternative practices are allowable under the law. Contact the Kittson SWCD for more information on compliance and allowable practices. 

​Buffer Financial Assistance Program
This program was funded by the Minnesota Legislature to provide financial assistance to landowners to become compliant with the Minnesota Buffer Law. Implementation rates are based on seed mix varieties.

  • $175/acre for 3 species or more of perennial NON-NATIVE, NON-INVASIVE species mix. Example: hay pasture mix-Alfalfa, Timothy, Brome.

  • $275/acre for a 3-5 NATIVE species mix. Example: CRP seed mixes CP-21, CP23A.

  • $300/acres for 5 or more NATIVE species mix. Example: Pollinator seed mix

Structural Alternative Practices are available for financial assistance, as well.
For further information or to sign up for this program stop by our office or call (218)-853-2619.

Information about the buffer legislation can be found on the website of the Board of Soil and Water Resources here.

The preliminary buffer map created by the DNR can be viewed on their website here.

Buffer Monitoring Plan 
The Kittson SWCD oversees reviewing and tracking compliance with the buffer law. The SWCD is required through the Minnesota Buffer Law to monitor compliance by reviewing all parcels on a 3-year basis. We will be reviewing and monitoring 1/3 of all buffer parcels each year as well as doing random spot checks.

Below is the Kittson SWCD Buffer Monitoring Plan. This plan highlights the process in which the Kittson SWCD will handle monitoring compliance of the Buffer Law in Kittson County.

Kittson SWCD Buffer Monitoring Program