Non-Structural Land Management Incentive Program
The SWCD will pay $25 an acre on a single species cover crop mix and $50 an acre on a multi-species cover crop mix. The District will pay $50 an acre for reduced or no-till. Producers sign up for a 1, 2, or 3 year contract. 2 year contracts receive an additional $10 an acre on top of the base rate. 3 year contracts receive an additional $20 an acre on top of the base rate. They can enroll a maximum of 80 and a minimum of 20 acres into the program. To enroll in the program, interested producers should call the office at 218-853-2619.
Program History
The Kittson SWCD began their cover crop cost share program in 2016. The Kittson SWCD began this program to encourage Kittson County landowners to try cover crops. This program has less requirements than the federal programs, so it is easier to enroll in and maintain compliance. As many tree rows in the county come out, the protection they provided against wind and water erosion is also removed. Cover crops may work better for many farmers than a tree row because they provide protection from wind and water erosion without reducing the number of harvestable acres available.
Cover Crop Benefits
Protection from erosion isn’t the only benefit cover crops offer. They can help with weed suppression, improve soil health, and extend grazing time in the spring and fall. Some cover crops like rye contain allelopathic chemicals that are toxic to weeds. A healthy cover crop can smother smaller weeds and prevent them from germinating. Cover crops add organic matter which helps to improve soil health and function. Many soils will have increased infiltration, reduced compaction, and increased nutrient storage capacity after a few years of cover crops. Grazing cover crops has both economic and soil health benefits. They can extend the length of the grazing season by weeks or even months. This reduces the amount of hay that needs to be put up for the winter. As the animals graze, they improve soil health by adding manure and saliva to the soil.